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Cash Distribution to Needy Families

NECDO provides relief and humanitarian aid to vulnerable families covering widows, orphans, disables, and people with lower income.

Background Information

NECDO is an Afghan women local, non-governmental, impartial and non-political organization, registered with Ministry of Economy in 2002 with INO.95. NECDO was established in January 2001 by a group of volunteers to help and support needy Afghan women, youth, and children in the Refuge camps of Pakistan. When the Afghan nation was passing through time-tested moments of it’s history. The Soviet hand over and destructive civil war of Mujahedeen resulted in material and spiritual losses for the nation. NECDO started its activities with small means, and a great purpose, which was based on humanitarian and development assistance. During our social activities in camps, we realized the need for Peace through education, capacity building and income generation. This was the priority set forth. In the past seventeen years of NECDO has contributed for women, youth and children through its multidimensional activities expended in to 22 provinces of Afghanistan. We firmly believe that it’s better to light a candle, instead of cursing the darkness. Because the one lighted candle will be in position to light a few more around and this way we will get rid of the darkness and conflicts. This commitment and dedication made us to be a well-known and active NGO not only locally but also internationally. The commitment and professionalism pioneer us to be a role model for coming generations and foster to pave the way for a better tomorrow for them.

NECDO Core Values

Professionalism & transparency: The core part of developmental activities that lead to achieve selected goals is professionalism in transparent manner. We are committed to endeavor to the values that are essential to the development of human resources and economic growth of the county. We believe that it is steady process and we struggle to achieve the highest standards within the office and projects in the field. We have been keeping the official records of management and finance through the period of ten years and we do have audit reports of expenses in excess of $20,000.

Human Rights & Gender as Cross Cutting Issue: Each individual in a society has rights and obligations to strive for living a peaceful and comfortable life with equal access to resources & opportunities of empowerment. Hence, NECDO has played a positive role in reduction of violence against women in the light of Islamic values & Afghan government ratified the International, conventions as well as national laws therefore NECDO is committed to support Afghan women who are the severe victim of wars and social injustice in our community.

Inclusiveness: NECDO is trying to have inclusiveness in all program and activities for the people having a disability due to which we include 20% of these individuals in all our activities. We believe disability is never obstacle for social participation so we need to pave the way for them to have a meaningful and full participation. NECDO actively takes part in Disability working group meetings, joint ventures, and coordination with like-minded NGOs.

Capacity Building: NECDO is committed to improve the capacity of human resources within the country that ensure participation of women in reconstruction of Afghanistan so, that women resume full responsibilities toward developmental activities for the country and themselves.

Culture Sensitivity: “Think globally- act locally” is the methodology, which we use in our activities. One of the important elements in shaping Afghanistan political and social scenario has been cultural values, which are miss-interpreted by those having influence in community. NECDO as member of civil society is committed to respect people’s perceptions and at the same time try to convince them for a positive change that is critical for their social and economic wellbeing.

Advocacy and Networking: in the context of Afghanistan, advocacy and networking is important tools for mobilizing the community and networking with other stakeholders for bringing positive changes in the status and behavior of Afghan community including men and women. NECDO found advocacy a very positive approach in EVAW. NECDO also sees networking as a practical way to reach larger groups of people and share experience with sister organizations.

Collaboration: NECDO strives to work as a team inside the organization and with those sister Organizations that aim to bring positive changes in the statues of women and the Afghan community as a whole. Specifically at this moment while Afghanistan is passing through a tumultuous time, there is a great need for coordination of activities in order to be more effective and get best use of time and money for a developed and peaceful Afghanistan.

About us
Our Beneficiaries
Projects Successfully Conducted

Impacts include:

  • Initiating Psychosocial and Peace Education for Elimination of VAW.
  • Initiating Imams Committees for the Elimination of VAW.
  • Conducting research on sexual harassment in higher education institutions in 20 universities.
  • Publicizing 200 minutes of nation-wide radio messages against sexual harassment and its prohibition from Islamic perspective.
  • Publication of a report on 5 core rights of women in Islam (Education; Inheritance; Ownership and property; Marriage and Divorce; and Social Participation)
  • Providing long term courses in women leadership and advocates for EVAW
  • Development of Women Shuras (Councils of Women) leadership potentials in North Eastern provinces
  • Family Welfare Centres established in Kabul in 4 provinces for EVAW
  • Mobilizing 1600 Imams and women activists to advocate for women’s political participation in the 2014 presidential elections.
  • Relief and humanitarian assistance for more than (100,000) needy families in Kabul and provinces
  • Establishment of NAZO ANA library with more than (7500) books and articles in Kabul and in the provinces with special priority and focus on women capacity building and enhancing reading skills
  • Provision of scholarships for both boys and girls as newly graduates in universities in different countries, particularly to friendly and brotherly country Indonesia
  • Construction and establishment of Indonesian Islamic Centre (IIC-10,000msq) consisting of a grand mosque, with male and female portions, a well-equipped polyclinic in 3 floors including all the required components with the financial support of the people and government of Indonesia and collaboration of the Embassy of Indonesia in Kabul


In accordance with the scope of work set out in TOR document, the evaluation was comprised of policies & procedures, control environment, work plans, budget, cash forecasting, program planning, financial management and accounting systems, procurement systems and personnel and payroll systems of NECDO- Afghanistan and evaluate it against the following:

  • National & International Norms and Accepted Business Practices
  • Internationally accepted Procurement Laws and regulations NECDO’s HRM Policy, National & International Laws and Regulations
  • International Accepted Norms for Departments formation
  • Partnership MOUS
  • International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (IAS, IFRS) o External Auditor Reports and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
  • Practitioner Reports and NECDO Business Plans

Our Field of Activities

Let’s Light a Candle Instead of Cursing the Darkness

Projects History

We run projects in over 34 Provinces in Afghanistan

NECDO Relief Program

NECDO Research Reports



As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.

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