The Conditional & Unconditional Seasonal Support Project(AF01-2466) is a one-year initiative funded by the World Food Program (WFP) and implemented by NECDO. This project aims to provide support to vulnerable families in Maidan Wardak province who have been affected by various factors such as poverty, widows, disabilities, orphans, families living in rented houses or tents, those impacted by regime change, and families affected by natural disasters and 15% out of overall caseload is conditional means that they will receive assistance against work


The project aims to find and identify families who are facing extreme poverty, hunger, and various hardships such as unattended orphans, widows, disabled individuals, families living in rented houses, families living in tents, and those affected by regime change or natural disasters. The project focuses on different districts of Maidan Wardak province, including Maidan Shahr, Nerkh, Jalriz, Chak, Jaghato, Daimirdad, Behsood Markazi ,Hesaawal Behsood,

and Said Abad.

Selection Process criteria:

1. The head of HH is either a woman or child HoHH without an adult male:

OR elderly is the HoHH (male or female)

3. Households size 7+

4. HHs with one or more members with disability and chronic illness

5. HoHH with disability

6. HHs with more than 3 children under the age of 5

7. HH with no stable source of income, or main source derived from borrowing, begging, or zakat

8. HH relying on casual labor by one member

9. HoHH with no formal educa4on

10. Rural: Landless HHs (do not own a house or agricultural

land). Urban: HHs who rent their accommoda4on (don’t own it

or live with others for free)

11. HH with poor asset holdings – [to differ in defini4on between

rural and urban}

12. Experiencing extreme hunger and des4tu4on with no social


WFP 2183