All human beings are in truth akin
All in creation share one origin
When fate allots a member pangs and pains
No ease for other members then remains
If, unperturbed, another’s grief canst scan
Thou are not worthy of the name of man
Background information:
NECDO established by local Afghan women, is a non-governmental, impartial, and non-political women support organization, registered with the Ministry of Economy in 2002 with INO.95. NECDO was established in January 2001 by a group of volunteers to help and support needy Afghan women, youth, and children in the Refugee camps of Pakistan. When the Afghan nation was passing through the time-testing moments of its history. The Soviet invasion and the destructive civil war of Mujahedeen resulted in material and spiritual losses for the nation. NECDO started its activities with small means, but a great purpose, which is based on humanitarian and development assistance. During social activities in camps, NECDO realized that Peace in Afghanistan is possible through education, capacity building, gender equality, and income generation programs. This was the priority outlined at that time. Therefore, NECDO has contributed to women, youth, and children through its multidimensional activities within 23 provinces of Afghanistan for the last 23 years. NECDO firmly believes that it is better to Light a Candle, instead of Cursing the Darkness because one-lighted candle will be in position to light a few more around, and this way we will get rid of the darkness and conflicts. This commitment and dedication made us to be a well-known and active NNGO not only locally, but also internationally. The commitment and professionalism pioneer us to be a role model for coming generations and foster to pave the way for a better tomorrow.
NECDO Mission: is a women’s support organization working for women’s empowerment and enabling youth to initiate endeavors promoting sustainable peace and elimination of violence through education, capacity building, Gender Equality, community mobilization, advocacy, and Humanitarian Assistance.
NECDO Vision: is a prosperous and peaceful Afghanistan with an empowered, mobilized, and educated, and gender-sensitized nation
NECDO Objectives:
To educate and to raise awareness for peace building from self-awareness then in the family, reaching out to the community
To mobilize people to take action, to move forward positively no matter how small the step could be “letting a candle instead of cursing the darkness”
To network among individuals, organizations and corporations who are engage in the area of peace building and elimination of violence and social injustice to work together to create a greater impact
To advocate for social justice in all of its forms violence is unacceptable we foster to promote non-violent culture in all walks of life.
To reduce human suffering from conflict, natural disasters, poverty human sufferings which needs to be addressed by research, multi-dimensional activities.
NECDO Principles:
Transparency, Impartiality, Unity and partnership with like- minded organization
NECDO Core Values:
Professionalism & transparency- The core part of developmental activities that lead to achieve selected goals is professionalism in transparent manner. We are committed to endeavor to the values that are essential to the development of human resources and economic growth of the county. We believe that it is steady process and we struggle to achieve the highest standards both in our office environment and in our projects in the field. We have kept records of management and finance through the period of ten years and we do have audit reports of expenses in excess of $20,000.
Human Rights & Gender as Cross Cutting Issue: each individual in a society has rights and obligations to strive for living life in comfort and peace with equal access to resources & opportunities of empowerment. NECDO has played a positive role in reduction of violence against women in the light of Islamic values & Afghan government ratified International conventions as well as national laws NECDO is committed to support Afghan women who are the severe victim of wars and social injustice.
Inclusiveness: NECDO is trying to have inclusiveness in all program and activities for the people having a disability. We include them in all levels in our program and activities up to 20%. We believe disability is never obstacle for social participation we need to pave the way for meaningful and full participation. NECDO takes active part in Disability working group meetings and takes part for joint ventures and coordination with like-minded NGOs
Appreciation and Awards:
- Appreciation and Awards:
- Certificate of Appreciation Department of Rural Rehabilitation & Development in 2023 Maidan Wardak
- Certificate of Appreciation from AWEC in 2023 Kabul
- Certificate of Appreciation Directorate of Economy in 2023 Maidan Wardak
- Certificate of Appreciation Directorate of DORR in 2022 Kabul
- Appreciation award from Indonesian Embassy 2019
- Aurora Price for Awakening Humanity 2017
- Global Leadership Award from Tallberg Foundation in 2015
- Appreciation Letter from Scholastic International on successful partnership in 2015
- Appreciation award from Indonesian Embassy in 2014
- International Peace Maker in Action Award from Tanenbaum in 2011
- Appreciation Award from Clinton Global Peace Initiative in 2011
- Best Performance Award as Local Women NGO from Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) in 2012
- Appreciation Letter from NDI on best leadership training for Afghan women political parties in Afghanistan
- Appreciation Letter from GIZ-GM Kabul office
- Member of Muslim Women Shura Council headed by WISE.
- Appreciation letter from MoWA in 2012
- Appreciation Award from Mr. Hamid Karzai in 2012
Impacts Include:
- Initiating Psychosocial and Peace Education for Elimination of VAW.
- Initiating Imams Committees for the Elimination of VAW.
- Conducting research on sexual harassment in higher education institutions in 20 universities.
- Publicizing 2000 minutes of nation-wide radio messages against sexual harassment and its prohibition from Islamic perspective.
- Publication of a report on 5 core rights of women in Islam (Education; Inheritance; Ownership and property; Marriage and Divorce; and Social Participation)
- Providing long term courses in women leadership and advocates for EVAW
- Development of Women Shuras (Councils of Women) leadership potentials in Northeastern provinces
- Family Welfare Centres established in Kabul in 4 provinces for EVAW
- Mobilizing 1600 Imams and women activists to advocate for women’s political participation in the 2014 presidential elections.
- Relief and humanitarian assistance for more than (100,000) needy families in Kabul and provinces
- Establishment of NAZO ANA library with more than (7500) books and articles in Kabul and in the provinces with special priority and focus on women capacity building and enhancing reading skills
- Provision of scholarships for both boys and girls as newly graduates in universities in different countries, particularly to friendly and brotherly country Indonesia
- Construction and establishment of Indonesian Islamic Centre (IIC-10,000msq) consisting of a grand mosque, with male and female portions, a well-equipped polyclinic in 3 floors including all the required components with the financial support of the people and government of Indonesia and collaboration of the Embassy of Indonesia in Kabul
Members: The board members (G.B) are key stake holders who will supervise, monitor and guide the Executive Director for professional management NECDO program & project without any economic benefits. The duration of the position is for two years. This is a volunteer position and they have vote power on decisions
Management Team: Executive Director is working under direct supervision of the Board Members, and He/she updates them about activities through board meeting which holds at least 4 times in a year. He/She is responsible for overall management of program and projects. He/She supervises the management team based on their job description.
NECDO’s Management team are consists of Deputy Director, Program coordinator, Advocacy manager, provincial team leaders, Finance Officer, M&E team and Administrators. The staff conduct their work based their job description in line with NECDO’s Vision and Mission statements
We priorities the following Points while conducting our activities:
NECDO Financial Procedure: NECDO is a project-based organization where project management and delivery comprises the bulk of program activities. NECDO administrative is embedded in the program. NECDO mostly has maintained its financial records in Excel spreadsheet from 2004- 2008. Since 2008 we have utilized a double-entry system and Quick Book System, which has been implemented from January 2009 and onwards. Financial records are kept in each project files. Since 2007 NECDO has performed audits by an independent auditor company. NECDO has also performed the audit of few projects when approval has been granted by the donor agencies. NECDO manages financial manners on a monthly basis, reports by finance department where they also have financial planning, or liquidity plans and after approval of it by Program coordinator director approves it. The check has been issued and bank for the finance department unless and until the clearance has not been done there will be no other money issued. NECDO financial year is starting from January- December and annual planner for expecting financial resources. NECDO also maintains store record and we have purchasing committees for any procurement, as well.
NECDO has got National and International membership with:
National Memberships:
- Active member of Civil Society Working Group since 2015
- Board member of high governmental and civil society on GBV
- Registration No 35 with Ministry of Women Affairs
- Registration No 106 with Ministry of Public Health
- Registration No 278 with Ministry of Education
- Afghanistan Independent Commissions of Human Rights
- Afghan Women Network (AWN)
- Karama Network of Advocacy & Human Rights (KNAHR)
International Platforms:
- Founder and Heading WILPF Afghanistan Section
- Muslim Women Shura Council (MWSC)
- The Asia Forum
- Women in Spirituality and Solidarity (WISE)
- Tanenbuam’s “ A International Network of Interfaith and Inter religious”
- Asia‐Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APPRAN)
- Association for Protection of Refugee Women and Children (HAMI)
- Tallberg Foundation
- Women Thrive
- Women Enabled international
- Member of AWID
NECDO Structure (Organogram)