The Conditional & Unconditional Seasonal Support Project (AF01-2183) is a one-year initiative funded by the World Food Program (WFP) and implemented by NECDO. This project aims to provide support to vulnerable families in Maidan Wardak province who have been affected by various factors such as poverty, widows, disabilities, orphans, families living in rented houses or tents, those impacted by regime change, and families affected by natural disasters and 15% out of overall caseload is conditional means that they will receive assistance against work

To ensure a fair selection process, meetings were held with relevant stakeholders to explain the selection criteria based on WFP standards and provide necessary information. Focal points and local representatives (CFAC) in each district identified the vulnerable families. These families were then surveyed and verified by NECDO relief program teams based on their physical and social status. The information was recorded in ODK & MODA Applications, and the families were asked to attend a scope registration program on a specific date to facilitate data entry into the relief program’s database.

The project commenced in Maidan Shahar, Nerkh, Jalriz, Said Abad, and Chak districts of Wardak province. Approximately 700 families were surveyed each day by 15 survey teams, resulting in a total of 17,600 households surveyed. Out of these, 14,210 families were verified, selected, and scoped for assistance. The final list of approved beneficiaries was prepared by WFP, and cash assistance was provided to families in Maidan Shahar, Said Abad and Jalriz while food assistance was distributed to families in Nerkh and Chak districts for the month of December in accordance with the approved list.