Ahmad Zia Anwari
Chair Person Board of Directors
Ahmad Zia Anwari hold Executive Master of Business Administration in Human Resources Management (HRM) from Preston University and BA in Sharia and Law from International Islamic University Islamabad (Pakistan).
He works as Human Resources Director at Ministry of Information and Culture since Sep. 2014. He had also worked as Human Resources Advisor /Civil Services Reform Trainer with Human Resources Development Directorate at the Independent Administration Reforms and Civil Service Commission form Feb 2010 to June 2014. He attended different Human Resources Management, Legal studies and Social Protection, Advocacy trainings programs with UNITAR, JICA, WFP, NRC, Maxplant Institute in Afghanistan, Japan, India, etc.)
He has ten years work experiences in Human Resources Development, Public Administration Reforms, Project Management and Legislative affairs in national and international organizations (Independent Administration Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC), WB, ADB, UNCTAD, UNHCR) in Afghanistan.
Dr.Fazal Ghani Kakar MBD
Mr. Fazal Ghani Kakar son of Mulawi Mohammad Hanif Kakar was born in 1352 (Solar Hijri Calander) in Ningrahar province Afghanistan. After he finished his early studies he got BA in Islamic Law from the Islamic Academy of Science and Technology. Then he got Master degree in Arabic Language and PH. D in Islamic studies and Sharia Law. In 1997 he founded an organization by the name of Alfajr (The Dawn) in which he helped and trained Afghan youths both men and women for about 20 years in Pakistan Refugee camps and within the country (Afghanistan), his lectures on peace, tolerance and moderation were attended by 100s of men and women, at the same time he was the pioneer of the idea RUPR (Role of Ulama & Religious leaders in peace and reconciliation) program, in result of which more than 5000 ulama and imams joined the peace process and are working as the messengers of peace in their respective . He has written several books on social issues and has represented Afghanistan in several national and international conferences. He always worked for the peace and brotherhood of Muslims.
Amanullah Hotak MBD
My main objective, as a NOG- -work-experienced professional with a long-term RESEARCH background, is to Contribute my knowledge, expertise, and long-term Research and Analysis experience in Developmental services delivery (with gender consideration principles)for change in the community, By studying/ analyzing socio-economic conditions/needs for development, connecting local knowledge with broader developmental and peacebuilding initiatives in Afghanistan.
Khwaja Mohammad Naim Qaderi MBD
Khwaja Mohammad Naim Qaderi, the son of Khwaja Abdul Qader, was born on 21 March 1968 in the Khwaja Saadat Khan village in the Kolangar-Logar, in a poor and bright rural family, from the bosom of his mother named Bibi Laily. He was deprived of his mother’s loving embrace, and under the guidance and support of his kind aunt, Bibi Rahima, who is a clear-minded lady, he was able to achieve the degrees of perfection, knowledge, and art. He completed his school in Kolangar High School in Logar province, and his higher education completed in the field of management and journalism in 1371 in MTP and AMRC, in Peshawar – Pakistan, he also learned the common religious sciences from the presence of the scholars of his hometown in Kolangar. He started his career at National Radio and Television (RTA) during the Mujahidin regime, and after that, he worked mostly in aid organizations and NGOs. During this period, in addition to neighboring countries, he has also traveled to Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (UK). Qaderi is one of the civil and cultural activists and one of the reformists who has been fighting for a lifetime. One of his most important works is the establishment of Logar Public Library in 1996. Qaderi took refuge in England after the outbreak of war and returned to his country in 2006. For some time, he served as a cultural adviser to the governor of Logar, supported by DAI, and then as a trainer at the Civil Service Institute (ACSI) and for 2 years worked as a project manager in Delloitt International Inc. Later, with the cooperation of his wife, he established a private school called Parsa. After handing it over, he worked for a period of seven years at the Women for Afghan Women (WAW) as a public awareness officer. Qaderi is a hardworking person, he also has civic and cultural activities in addition to his assigned tasks and he is the architect of several cultural, and civil organizations and social councils, including the Kanoon Hasnat charity, Logar Social and Civic Foundation, (LSCF) and Logar Study Research Center (LSRC), etc… He is a member of several national organizations in the field of cultural and social associations in the country. Qaderi believes in more cultural struggle and has understood that without awareness and equipped with contemporary knowledge and art, it is not possible to win in the struggle against colonialism, exploitation, and usurpation. Qaderi has a smooth personality and has been interested in poetry since he was a teenager, and has studied the books of great poets and writes poetry himself. He has two books of poetry called “Hangama-e bidary” and “Elegy of Freedom” ready for publication. Also, he has written the book “History of the Afghan Ulama Movement (NUA)” in collaboration with Dr. Fazal Ghani Kakar, and “The History of the Educational and Capacity Development Organization (NECDO) and the book by the name of “Mobile Phone” are among his published works. Another great book called Armaghan –e Logar, which is an encyclopedia is also It is being prepared for publication as soon as possible. In the course of his work and activities, Qaderi has participated in several educational seminars and workshops to improve his capacity and has been honored to receive letters of appreciation from several governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Mir Mohammad Taha MBD
Mir Mohammad Taha is the son of Mir Abdul Qayyum, who was born on the first of the month of Gemini in the year 1361 in the city of Charikar, Parwan province. He received his primary education in the schools of Diyar Hijrat and his higher and professional education up to the bachelor’s degree in the field of Islamic education at Dawat University in 2013 and his master’s degree in the field of interpretation and hadith at Salam University in 2015. Mir Mohammad Taha is a reciter and hafiz of the Holy Qur’an, and he obtained this virtue in 2013 from Darul-Hafaz High School in Kabul and Al-Azhari Institute. He also completed the course in Islamic and Arabic sciences at Darul Uloom of Hazrat Suleiman Pbuh. Mir Mohammad Taha has participated in many educational seminars and workshops and has obtained certificates, including:
• Completion of the three-month course of Tafseer and Hadith at the Institute of Social Reform and Development of Afghanistan, in 2014.
• Participation in the two-month Tajweed course of the Holy Quran, which was organized by Jamiat Islah, in 2016.
• Participation in the 4-month computer training course, from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, 2016
• Participation in the Disability Awareness Training Course, Minesweeping Institute, 2017.
• Participation in the training course on Islam and the fight against administrative corruption, Ministry of Guidance, Hajj Awqaf, 2014.
• Participation in the environmental protection program course from the point of view of Islam, Department of Environment, 2017.
• Participation in the leadership capacity building program for women and girls, in Noor Educational & Capacity Development Organization, in 1401.
• Participation in the competition of understanding the Holy Quran, in 1390.
• participating in various training courses such as seminars on coding and methodology of khutbahs and imams of mosques (Ministry of Guidance), reducing violence against women, participating in the Ulama initiative program to strengthen women’s rights and their role in consolidating peace (Educational Institute and Anshkaf light capacities),
Mir Mohammad Taha is one of the social activists and has been appreciated and praised by various governmental and non-governmental organizations for his civil and cultural activities and has received many letters of appreciation.
• The important letters of appreciation he has received include:
• Letter of appreciation from the Egyptian Embassy in Kabul, 1390
• Appreciation letter of the Holy Qur’an Education and Memorization Board, 1390 solar.
• Letter of appreciation from the Foundation for the Revival of the Tradition of Afghanistan, on the occasion of the success in the Qur’anic competition, 2013
• Letter of appreciation from the International Organization for the Preservation of the Holy Quran, 1390 solar.
• Sports appreciation certificate from the Olympics, 2013 solar.
He is fluent in Farsi, Pashto, Arabic, English, and Urdu languages. Among the scholarly works of Mir Mohammad Taha, he mentioned the study of the biography of Salman Farsi (R.A.) in his bachelor’s thesis, Zakat in Islam, Hell and Hell in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and its ways of salvation (master’s thesis), he is currently a teacher in one from the schools of Kabul and at the same time he is performing his duties as an imam in the mosque located on Asmai Road. Mir Mohammad Taha believes in civic activities and is a member of several organizations and social councils, including a member of the Afghan Scholars Movement, a member of the Council of Scholars of the Second District of Kabul, at the same time, he is the deputy of this council and a member of Red Crescent volunteers. One of his cultural and religious activities is the establishment of Anathieh al-Tahdeeb School in District 2. Mir Mohammad Taha is a powerful preacher and is interested in sports activities, reading, and librarianship.